Why should I invest in a pre-purchase when buying a horse?
Purchasing a horse is a major investment from $500 to $50,000 horses. The initial cost of purchase can be small compared to the cost of hidden medical expenses. Pre-purchase exams start at $120 which includes a detailed physical exam and lameness exam that is carefully documented and provided as an official report with detailed pictures and conclusions. It's important to know if a horse's health concerns could make or break your purchase.
What should I expect out of the exam?
Every exam starts with a detailed account of the horse's provided history (vaccines, Coggins, registration document verification). The next step is a detailed physical exam by Dr. Miller from nose to tail (teeth, eyes, ears, neck, upper/lower back, perineal confirmation for mares, musculature, tendons, skin/hair quality, confirmation, etc). Then our certified farrier, Justin Miller, performs a detailed assessment of each hoof including a detailed hoof tester exam, confirmation, quality of growth, quality of shoes/placement if applicable, and notes any potential concerns. After the initial exams, a detailed lameness exam is performed including flexions, lunging, neurologic assessment, and assessment under saddle when available. This is the point where your veterinary and farrier team go over the details of their findings with you and decide if imaging or tests are recommended/needed.
Should I have radiographs (x-rays), blood work, or other imaging done?
Most ancillary testing (x-rays, ultrasound, blood work, fecal testing, etc.) is decided on a case by case basis. Imaging can be decided based on the desired purpose of the horse (i.e. athletic concerns), history of injuries, as well as exam findings. There are many other tests that can be selected based on age, history, etc. such as PPID (Cushings) tests on older horses, Insulin Resistance for over weight horses, drug testing, etc. Mares purchased for reproductive purposes should have a culture, cytology, and uterine biopsy.
Does the seller get to know what is found in the exam?
Whoever purchases the Pre-Purchase exam is the only person who has access to the information from the exam. As a buyer, you do NOT have to disclose any information to the seller and as your veterinarian we will never disclose information without your permission.
How will I get my results?
The official report will be emailed to you within 48-72 hours of your exam. These detailed reports include pictures of the horse the day of the exam, pictures of any blemishes/concerns, radiograph & ultrasound images with detailed explanations and visual markers, written explanations of all exam findings, and a detailed conclusion of the horse's health and wellness outlook. Some blood work and culture results may take 5-7 days.